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Stunning Companion Plants For Autumn Ferns

Stunning Companion Plants for Autumn Ferns

Autumn ferns are a beautiful addition to any garden, but they can be even more stunning when paired with the right companion plants. The right companions can help to highlight the beauty of the ferns, while also providing complementary colors, textures, and heights.

When choosing companion plants for autumn ferns, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • Sunlight: Autumn ferns prefer partial shade to full shade. When choosing companion plants, it is important to select those that have similar sunlight requirements.
  • Soil: Autumn ferns prefer moist, well-drained soil that is slightly acidic. When choosing companion plants, it is important to select those that have similar soil requirements.
  • Height: Autumn ferns can grow to be quite tall, so it is important to choose companion plants that will not be overshadowed.
  • Color: Autumn ferns come in a variety of colors, so you can choose companion plants that will complement their color scheme.
  • Texture: Autumn ferns have delicate, feathery foliage, so you can choose companion plants that have contrasting textures, such as bold leaves or spiky flowers.

Here are some of the best companion plants for autumn ferns:

  • Hostas: Hostas are a classic companion plant for ferns. They come in a variety of colors and sizes, so you can find the perfect hosta to complement your autumn ferns. Hostas also prefer partial shade and moist soil, making them a perfect match for autumn ferns. Image of Hostas and autumn ferns
  • Coral bells: Coral bells are another great companion plant for autumn ferns. They have colorful foliage that comes in shades of green, pink, purple, and red. Coral bells also prefer partial shade and moist soil, making them a good match for autumn ferns. Image of Coral bells and autumn ferns
  • Astilbes: Astilbes are known for their delicate, feathery flowers. They bloom in the summer, providing a colorful contrast to the autumn ferns. Astilbes also prefer partial shade and moist soil, making them a good match for autumn ferns. Image of Astilbes and autumn ferns
  • Bleeding heart: Bleeding heart is a beautiful perennial that blooms in the spring. It has delicate, heart-shaped flowers that hang down from the stems. Bleeding heart prefers partial shade and moist soil, making it a good match for autumn ferns. Image of Bleeding heart and autumn ferns
  • Spotted dead nettle: Spotted dead nettle is a low-growing perennial that has attractive, spotted foliage. It blooms in the spring with small, white flowers. Spotted dead nettle prefers partial shade and moist soil, making it a good match for autumn ferns. Image of Spotted dead nettle and autumn ferns
  • Bluebells: Bluebells are a beautiful spring wildflower that blooms in clusters. They have delicate, bell-shaped flowers that come in shades of blue and purple. Bluebells prefer partial shade and moist soil, making them a good match for autumn ferns. Image of Bluebells and autumn ferns
  • Caladiums: Caladiums are tropical plants that have colorful, arrowhead-shaped leaves. They bloom in the summer with small, white flowers. Caladiums prefer partial shade and moist soil, making them a good match for autumn ferns. Image of Caladiums and autumn ferns
  • Strawberry begonias: Strawberry begonias are a popular perennial that has attractive, heart-shaped leaves. They bloom in the summer with small, white flowers. Strawberry begonias prefer partial shade and moist soil, making them a good match for autumn ferns. Image of Strawberry begonias and autumn ferns
  • Geraniums: Geraniums are a popular annual that has colorful, daisy-like flowers. They bloom in the summer and prefer full sun to partial shade. Geraniums can be grown in containers or in the ground. They are not as shade-tolerant as other companion plants for autumn ferns, but they can still be a beautiful addition to a shady garden. Image of Geraniums and autumn ferns

These are just a few of the many companion plants that you can choose from when planting autumn ferns. By considering the factors listed above, you can create a beautiful and harmonious garden that will bring you joy for years to come.

Autumn ferns are a beautiful addition to any shady garden, but they can look even better when paired with the right companion plants. Some of the best companion plants for autumn ferns include:

  • Hostas: These shade-loving perennials come in a wide variety of colors and leaf shapes, so you're sure to find one that complements your autumn ferns. Garden Wiki
  • Coral bells: These colorful perennials also love shade, and their vibrant foliage provides a nice contrast to the autumn fern's delicate fronds. Garden Wiki
  • Astilbes: These showy perennials produce feathery flower plumes in the summer, adding a touch of elegance to your garden. Garden Wiki
  • Lungwort: This shade-loving perennial has attractive blue, pink, or white flowers that bloom in the spring. Garden Wiki
  • Ligularia: These large, bold plants add a touch of drama to any shady garden. Garden Wiki

To learn more about autumn fern companion plants, visit Garden Wiki. This website has a wealth of information on all aspects of growing and caring for autumn ferns, including companion plants, planting and care tips, and troubleshooting advice.

FAQ of autumn fern companion plants

Question 1: What are some good companion plants for autumn fern?

Answer: Autumn fern is a shade-loving plant that prefers moist, well-drained soil. Some good companion plants for autumn fern include:

  • Hostas: Hostas come in a wide variety of colors and sizes, and they can add a splash of color to your garden. They also have similar growing conditions to autumn fern, so they are a good choice for companion plants. Image of Hostas plants
  • Coralbells: Coralbells are another shade-loving plant that has colorful foliage. They are also deer-resistant, which can be a bonus if you have deer in your area. Image of Coralbells plants
  • Ligularia: Ligularia is a tall, leafy plant that can add height and interest to your garden. It also blooms in the summer, which can give your garden some color during a time when many other plants are starting to fade. Image of Ligularia plants
  • Astilbe: Astilbe is a delicate-looking plant with feathery plumes of flowers. It blooms in the summer and fall, and it can add a touch of elegance to your garden. Image of Astilbe plants
  • Brunnera: Brunnera is a low-growing plant with blue or white flowers. It is a good choice for groundcover, and it can help to suppress weeds. Image of Brunnera plants

Question 2: Where is the best place to plant autumn fern?

Answer: Autumn fern prefers partial or full shade. It can also tolerate full sun, but it will need more water in full sun. The soil should be moist, well-drained, and slightly acidic.

Question 3: How far apart should autumn fern plants be planted?

Answer: Autumn fern plants should be planted about 2-3 feet apart. This will give them enough room to grow and spread.

Question 4: How much water does autumn fern need?

Answer: Autumn fern needs regular watering, especially during hot, dry weather. The soil should be kept moist, but not soggy.

Question 5: How can I care for autumn fern in the winter?

Answer: Autumn fern is hardy in USDA zones 3-9. In colder climates, the leaves may turn brown and fall off in the winter. However, the roots will survive and the plant will come back in the spring. If you live in a cold climate, you can mulch around the plant to help protect the roots from the cold.

Image of autumn fern companion plants

  • Ligularia is a large, bold-leaved perennial that can provide a dramatic contrast to the delicate fronds of autumn fern. It comes in a variety of colors, including yellow, orange, and maroon. Image of Ligularia companion plant for autumn fern
  • Hosta is another shade-loving perennial that is often paired with autumn fern. There are many different varieties of hosta, so you can choose one that complements the color of your autumn fern. Image of Hosta companion plant for autumn fern
  • Coralbells are small, colorful perennials that add a splash of brightness to a shady garden. They come in a variety of colors, including red, pink, white, and purple. Image of Coralbells companion plant for autumn fern
  • Astilbe is a delicate perennial that produces airy plumes of flowers in shades of white, pink, and purple. It blooms in late spring to early summer, so it can provide color in your garden when autumn fern is not in bloom. Image of Astilbe companion plant for autumn fern
  • Virginia bluebells are spring-blooming wildflowers that are native to North America. They produce clusters of delicate blue flowers that are a welcome sight in the early spring garden. Image of Virginia bluebells companion plant for autumn fern

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